Meeting Minutes - East Selkirk Recreation Association (ESRA Board)
Date: October 7, 2019
Time: 7:35 p.m.
Location: Skate Shop
Chair: Don Jasper
Rapporteur: Joclyn Paulic
Attendees: Don Jasper, Blake Burnett, Adam McConnell, Danielle Veenstra, Bill Mooney, David Cain (Guest), Joclyn Paulic, Tom Paulic, Heather Stanic Dave Sasaki, Pam Brechin
Regrets: Krystine Pollock, Dan Doucet, JoAnn Painchaud
The meeting was called to order by Don Jasper (Chair). The agenda was reviewed with no errors or omissions. Dave S. motioned to approve, seconded by Heather S. The meetings from the September 2019 meeting were reviewed by attendees. Danielle V. made a motion to accept the minutes and Bill Mooney seconded.
Don J. introduced David Cain to the board. Dave is working for the R.M. of St. Clements,
Recreation and has a number of tasks within his contract that may be of interest to the ESRA.
Dave explained that he has been communicating mainly with Blake to learn about the ESRA and recreation at the ESRA facilities. Three main projects of note for the ESRA:
1) Community Joint Use Agreement – This is an agreement that was in place for many
years but has not been reviewed and signed in recent years. The agreement is between
the Lord Selkirk School Division (LSSD), Rural Municipality of St. Clements (herein
referred to as the RM), Grand Marais Recreation Association (GMRA) and the East
Selkirk Recreation Association (ESRA). The GMRA is currently in the process of trying
to repurpose their old curling rink into a recreation center for programing. The premise of the agreement is that all four community user groups can use each other’s facilities at no cost. Staff from the facility would need to be present for insurance purposes, if staff need to be called in so a group can use a facility than a cost would be incurred to have that staff member present. The agreement will include provisions for emergency service
needs (e.g., community evacuations). The agreement will be shared with each group
prior to signatures for review and approval. Dave is hopeful the agreement will be
available by the end of October.
2) User Needs Assessment – Dave is leading recreation user needs assessment survey
to get a better idea of what people are currently doing for recreation and what do they
want to see in the short- and long-term plans. There are three strategies to acquire the
a. Online/Paper Survey – This would be open for anyone in the community to
complete. It will be a short survey (about 10 minutes to complete). The RM will
be advertising the survey but word of mouth is also helpful. To encourage people
to complete the survey, the RM will be offering a prize of $300 Biz Bucks to be
used in Selkirk.
b. Middle School Survey – A survey will be offered to the students at East Selkirk
Middle School. The user needs assessment needs to consider the future
recreation (i.e., time line) and also the popular types of recreation that are current
today (e.g., online gaming).
c. Face-to-face Meetings – Dave will be meeting with key groups (e.g., ESRA,
Parent Advisory Councils, school principals) in November to have a discussion
about the needs in the community. Of importance as well the City of Selkirk will
be initiating a contract for a Recreation Master Plan in the next year. It will be
important to engage in that process as well, and the recreation needs of each
Tri-S (St. Andrews, St. Clements, Selkirk) community may be similar and
strategic planning will also be necessary in the future.
3) Manitoba 150 Celebration – The Province of Manitoba is celebrating 150 years in 2020.
They will be offering three programs:
a. Celebration Program that individuals can apply to get funds to put on a
celebration; funds allotted are based on the population of the RM. Dave
suggested that the ESRA talk to other groups and start coming up with some
ideas if the ESRA is interested.
b. Special Recognition Awards are being presented; individuals can go online to
nominate a person or person(s).
c. Small capital funds for a project is being administered through the Selkirk
Community and District Foundation. Individuals can apply there. There is
currently no criteria established to date and they are still unsure how much funds
are available.
Don J. asked if there would be an outdoor rink at Highway 44 this year. It was confirmed that there will be volunteers. This may be a good idea to get funds to make improvements at that rink. Dave said that the organizers for the Manitoba 150 are open to suggestions. If you have an idea contact Dave so that it can be directed to the right people.
Dave thanked the Board for their time.
Don J. announced that Lord Selkirk Minor Hockey Association (LSMHA) purchased divider borders for the ESRA rink. They will be delivered to the rink. Adam M. asked who was responsible to put them up assuming that there would need to be some instruction as well. Adam M. also asked how long it takes to put them up and take them down. Don J. stated that all novice will playing out of the ESRA rink. It takes about 20 minutes to set them up. There was some concern that this would require time prior to and after the ice slots and extra staff at the ESRA rink (i.e., take time away for set up and take down).
Don J. reported that he asked LSMHA about the increase in registration fees. He reported that nothing has been finalized at LSMHA. He also reported that there was no slush fund and so they are trying to create one.
As a board, the ESRA would like a break a breakdown of the fees for parents. It was noted that in the past a full breakdown of fees and the LSMHA fees had been provided, however a board member recalled that this occurred as far back as 2011 or 2012. Board members discussed the concerns associated with this unknown and that for other sports where registration fees are incurred full list of expenses is provided if requested. It is important for any of the volunteer coaches understand what can be provided by LSMHA to support the program (e.g., blue pucks, soccer balls, pylons). There is recognition that as children get older there are added costs to hockey programs; however the goal is to encourage and promote players and therefore understanding costs is an important piece of information for parents. Danielle V. made a motion
for Adam M. to draft a letter to LSMHA requesting a breakdown of costs for registration fees and Heather S. to send the letter. Bill M. seconded the motion. All members were in favor of the motion. No members were against. Don J. noted that LSMHA does not have a treasurer and it may take time.
As Hockey Director for ESRA, Adam M. informed the board the 32 Timbits will be starting on Wednesday, October 16. There were still challenges with the lists of players that was provided by LSMHA (e.g., players names missing, duplicated). Adam M. asked Don J. how does the Timbits program request equipment. Adam M. will send an email to the equipment manager of LSMHA to request blue pucks from the upcoming program. Chad Balmer (LSMHA president) told Dave S. that he is supplying pucks, jerseys and pylons for the 4-year program.
It was identified to the ESRA Board that LSMHA currently does not have a treasurer and that the LSMHA president also fills that role. Heather S. has agreed to fulfill the treasurers position for ESRA. She will talk to Tammy to get an update and present a treasurers report at the next meeting.
Adam M. asked the board if there was further consideration of hosting a Novice tournament.
The ESRA would pay for trophies, lunch and prizes for a silent auction. Hockey parents would work the tournament and proceeds would go to the ESRA minus entry fees. They would like to get ice for the end of January/early February. Adam M. will talk to Blake about ice times. Adam M. and Danielle V. will prepare a note detailing the expenses for presentation at the next board meeting.
Bill M. reported on the upcoming ESRA Bud, Spud and Steak fundraiser. A total of 60-70 people have purchased tickets. Canadian Tire Selkirk donated a bar fridge for a door prize and they will be selling 50/50 tickets. He also provided an update on board sales: 2 more confirmed boards in the arena were added and a couple more are real close; a few boards have to come down yet and a number of boards need corporate approval for logos, etc. so they need to be swapped.
Bill M. reminded the Board if anyone has any business owners they know that may be
interested in supporting the ESRA via advertising to please provide the information to him.
Danielle V. talked the goal of making the ESRA facilities functioning year-round and she
recalled growing up and summer camps were offered in community clubs. Right now ESRA shuts down in the summer (except baseball and soccer fields), more programing would be great.
Bill M. proposed ESRA offer a pancake breakfast once a month during the hockey season; ESRA doesn’t want to take any business away from the concession but if they can work out a deal it might be another good idea. Bill M. to talk to Quentin (concession) about the idea of a pancake breakfast once a month. Bill M. noted that volunteers will be needed.
New Business
As discussed at past board meeting the skate shop is owned by ice time sports. Don J. reported that equipment is going to be leaving soon. Don J. to talk to Troy Slater about status of the skate shop. Bill M. wondered if the area could be provided as another place for the public to eat.
The status of the skate shop and what to do with the empty room will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
Blake B. reported that a website proposal will be presented to council in the near future. The RM hired Don B. to create a website via contract. Blake had a meeting with the RM and identified the needs of ESRA (e.g., soccer registration online (including payments), booking ice).
Dave S. was in contact with Don B. and learned that it is $3000 and $268 US for maintenance. Council to take off the operating grant or we pay or they pay.
Don B. uses Word Press, and he would train two individuals and then the website lives on whatever server one might chose. The RM will host the website for free but the plug-ins are about $300/year. Dave S. used Wix to create the draft website that was circulated to the Board, although he acknowledged that Word Press is more powerful. If the Board choses the RM option than there would be someone at the RM available to help the ESRA with technical issues, however these issues would come with cost and the software is more complicated. Plug-ins are made by third parties and so you are charged individually for those.
Board members were concerned again that if all the people here today were to move on and leave the Board how will the knowledge be transferred on this in Wix is not as widely used. The past owner who supported the website would not provide the password so that the website could be updated. Dave S. will ensure knowledge transfer is completed on the website in the future.
Blake B. is trying to market the ice and he needs a way to mark that a slot is being held for 24 hours or that a slot is taken or open. The ability to display ice rentals and events are essential.
Dave S. to work with Blake to ensure the scheduling functionality of Wix and to provide a
tutorial. Dave S. to provide costs associated with this website at the next meeting.
Blake B. let the Board know that Stick and Puck is set for 4:30 to 5:30 Fridays.
Blake B. said that a parent came to him about ESRA getting wheelchair access to watch games, etc. (e.g., wheelchair ramp). Grahame Beatti has agreed to build a platform and will be getting the engineering specifications in order to do so. Manitoba Hydro has offered to donate funds for the materials.
Blake B. informed the board that the 2018 financials need to be submitted to the RN for the annual operating grant ($30,000). Blake has an example of a past letter that was submitted. Bill M. agreed to prepare and send the letter to RM.
Fall baseball league lots of cancellations and the diamonds need some aggregate; good and potential to get the league started here so maybe a spring/summer league; chalking of the lines. Blake B. reported that the Selkirk and District Community Foundation came for a tour. Blake B. explained that they are a local group that has supported us with park and other items; Blake B. will prepare a list of fundraising priorities for the ESRA (e.g., water bottle filling station).
There was a short discussion on the outstanding canteen contract. Blake B. suggested that Quentin see what kind of sales he can make inside the arena and get an idea if the business is sustainable. Board members agreed that there should be something in writing, even if it has no financial figures (i.e., rent costs). Blake B. to bring past contract(s) to the next meeting to prepare a draft statement of work/contract. Blake B. noted that the utilities at Home Plate cost about $450. As part of the contract it was suggested that the Board be provided with financial update(s) (no timeline specified) in order to identify early if the business is not sustainable.
Dave S. also presented detectors which can show when utilities are being turned on remotely.
Next meeting is November 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the ESRA arena.
Danielle V. made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Pam B. seconded at 9:38 p.m.