Meeting Minutes
Jun 1, 2020
I. Call to Order
a. Dan Doucet called to order the regular meeting for E.S.R.A at 7:03pm on Monday Jun 1, 2020 at the East Selkirk Arena. See Motion 20-11 for Agenda approval.
II. Roll Call
a. The following persons were present: Tara Bailey, Dan Doucet, Adam McConnell, Dave
Sasaki, Greg Zahayko, Pam Brechin, Blake Burnett, Tracey Gwynne
b. Regrets: Don Jasper, Bill Mooney, JoAnn Painchaud-Niemi, Heather Stanik, Danielle
Veenstra, Joclyn Paulic
III. Approval of Previous Minutes
a. See Motion 20-12
IV. Old Business
a. Cheque Signing authority for Dan and Heather as discussed, Dan indicated that Sunova requires anyone with cheque signing authority be a member. Member fee is $5, ESRA to cover this for Dan and Heather in order to move forward with the update signing authority. Dan to speak to Sunova about becoming a member.
b. Blake put in the contract a stipulation about hours of operation and signage to be updated and provided. Contract for skate shop ready for use.
c. Tracey forwarded the info from MB Baseball about upcoming Rules and regulations in
regards to COVID. Training/tryouts are to commence on Jun 15 with games starting on
July 1 st . Board has a number of questions regarding liability and responsibilities. Pam and Tara will forward these questions to Tracey and she will contact MB baseball for more information. See attached report from MB baseball.
d. Blake said the financial aid from the Gov’t due to COVID-19 is covering 75% of wages until August. We will need to reassess later to see if we still meet the requirements beyond that.
e. Board discussed the draft ice-rental policy provided by Pam. Blake asked to have some additional information added. This will then be sent out to the entire board for approval via email before the July meeting.
f. The AGM will be tentatively booked for September 28/2020. Board will finalize this date at the August meeting to ensure there is enough time to send out notice for any
constitutional changes that will be made.
V. Director Reports
a. Treasurer: deferred until July meeting
b. Hockey Director: - no report
c. Field Sports Directors: Pam Brechin/Tara Bailey
i. Pam and Greg would like to run a soccer skills program in June, for community
members only. The age groups would be U7/U8 and U9/U10. These would run on
opposite days to ensure social distancing and gathering sizes meet MB regulations.
Dave will put up a survey on the website and send out an email to gauge interest.
Cost will be $40/kid. A waiver will be designed for liability purposes for parents to
sign and Blake will ensure the club provides hand sanitizer. A proposal for this
program will be sent out via email to the board for approval.
d. Fundraising/Grants: - no report
e. Facility Manager: Blake Burnett
i. L.S.M.H.A still owes us $25,000 for Feb-Mar bookings.
ii. Bank account currently has $30,000 in it
iii. Loss revenue due to COVID-19 was $21,150 from Soccer and $9070 from ice
iv. Applied for the gov’t wage loss subsidy from the Canadian Emergency Wage
Subsidy Funding. This will cover 75% of wages until June 6 th . Waiting to here if this
will be extended. ($2000 biweekly until august or as long as there is 15% loss of
v. We received the $10,000 grant for the boiler repairs from Selkirk and District
Community Foundation. We have received quotes for the work from TnT
plumbing, Prairie HVAC and waiting to hear from Cross Country Plumbing.
vi. We will be receiving the $30,000 grant from the R.M as well.
vii. We can get a Federal grant for $40,000, of which $10,000 is forgivable so we would
only owe back $30,000 in 2021. (if needed)
f. Website:
i. Dave will add a COVID-19 update to the website regarding the closure of Legacy
ii. The on-line registration and subsequent refunds went well through the website.
VI. New Business
a. No mail
b. AGM date will be discussed through email, tentatively set for Sept 28/2020
c. Grants for seniors’ activities at ESRA will be deferred.
VII. Action Items for July 2020 Meeting: (to be included in Agenda)
a. Cheque Signing authority Update – Dan Doucet
b. Website Advertising - Dave
c. Monthly Financial reports – Blake/Heather
d. Dan to write up a letter to the R.M from ESRA requesting them to grate our parking lot
since they drive heavy vehicles in and out daily. Heather will send Dan sample letters.
VIIII. Next Board Meeting: July 6, 2020 at 7pm. E.S.R.A
Meeting Adjourned at 8:37pm