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Board Meeting Minutes November 2019

Writer's picture: ESRA BoardESRA Board

I. Call to Order

a. Tara Bailey called to order the regular meeting for E.S.R.A at 7:11pm on Monday November 18, 2019 at the East Selkirk Arena

II. Roll Call

a. The following persons were present: Tara Bailey, Danielle Veenstra, Heather Stanik, Adam McConnell, Dave Sasaki, Greg Zahayko, Pam Brechin, JoAnn Painchaud-Niemi, Blake Burnett

b. Regrets: Don Jasper, Dan Doucet, Bill Mooney

III. Approval of Previous Minutes

a. Email acceptance of Minutes to be sent as there were insufficient members for a quorum or at the next meeting to try for quorum again.

IV. Old Business

a. ESRA website Development – Dave has the website ready to go, need to secure payment for monthly fee of $20USD which will allow for e-commerce on the site. Blake said that the ESRA credit card can be used for this. There is a 2.9% card on each on-line transaction, this will just be added to registration fees for coverage. We can also sell advertising on the website to recover costs.

b. Heather will send a motion via email to allow for the payment of the website fee.

Motion: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the ESRA credit card be used to fund the monthly fee of $20USD for the ESRA website. 1st - _______________ 2nd ______________ All in Favour –

c. Request for blue pucks from LSMHA has been granted, Adam says the pucks were delivered to ESRA 2 weeks ago. JoAnn says the pucks must remain at the ESRA facility as they are the property of LSMHA.

d. Letter to LSMHA – Adam will attend a meeting first to then request to be on the agenda in order to submit the letter.

e. Blake Provided a list of fundraising priorities in order of importance:

1. Boiler - $11,000 (request that the board submit letter to the RM for this)

2. Dehumidifiers - $18,000

3. Fans along the wall (4) - $200ea x 4 + installation = approx.. $3000-$4000

4. Parking lot improvements - request that the board submit a letter to the RM for this, work in kind.

f. Bud, Spud and Steak October fundraiser report - deferred until December meeting. Danielle said they took in approximately $1100, Bill gave a cheque to Blake.

g. Novice B Tournament - Adam and Danielle are hoping to do this in March. Will require approximately $2200 to run (silent auction, 50/50 and lunch) – discuss further in December

h. Monthly Pancake Breakfast - deferred until the December meeting (Bill)

i. Draft Concession Contract – deferred until December meeting. (Bill)

j. Skate Shop - deferred until December meeting. (Don)

V. Director Reports

a. Treasurer: Heather Stanik

i. Need to approve treasures report from October Meeting – deferred to December meeting. The financials for 2018 have been submitted to the RM for the 2019 grant of $30,000, which covers operating costs. $9,000 usually comes off this to cover the insurance costs. The grant has been approved but not received yet.

ii. Heather to meet with Tammy who was hired back in February 2019 to do the ESRA monthly financials. We have yet to see any statements from her.

iii. Blake printed off a quarterly report from quick books with Heather to show the board. Blake is willing to do this each month to show a basic financials.

b. Hockey Director: Adam McConnell

i. Nothing further to report.

c. Field Sports Directors: Pam Brechin/Tara Bailey

i. An email will be sent to Vikki Gouvia and Chris Downey to let them know contact information for the ESRA soccer season in 2020.

ii. Greg and his wife Stacey are willing to help with these areas as well.

iii. Natalie McConnell will help with baseball, volunteered by Adam.

d. Fundraising/Grants: Bill Mooney

i. Deferred until the December meeting

e. Facility Manager: Blake Burnett

i. Wheelchair ramp will be built in the arena for better access. Graham Beatty offered to do this, quoted $1000. He is not a registered builder though. Blake to call Red River planning to see if Graham is allowed to pull a permit to build this for us. As well, Blake will call around for another quote. Present findings in December.

ii. Blake did a patch repair on the boiler to keep it going but would like to see the board submit a letter to the RM asking for financial assistance with this. Will discuss letter format with Dan at the next meeting.

iii. Blake suggests the board look into other grants to apply for as well, such as the Selkirk and District foundation Grant.

VI. New Business

a. Secretary position needs a motion in order for Tara Bailey to accept. Heather to send out this motion via email:

Motion: BE IT RESOLVED THAT Tara Bailey, a member in good standing has volunteered to take on the position of Secretary as of Nov 18, 2019.

1st - _______________ 2nd ______________ All in Favour –

VII. Motions

a. Two motions to be submitted to the board via email by Heather Stanik, Treasurer.

VIII. Action Items for December Meeting: (to be included in Agenda)

a. Discussion of Monthly Pancake Breakfast - Bill Mooney

b. Discussion of Draft concession contract – Bill Mooney

c. Skate Shop Update – Don Jasper

d. Fundraising/Grants Report – Bill Mooney

e. Blake to report back on Red River planning discussion about wheel chair ramp, as well as 2nd quote for work.

f. Format of letters to be sent to RM for financial aid regarding boiler and Parking lot

g. Vice President/President – discussion about appointment of chair for meetings when they are not in attendance.

h. Executive Members attendance at meetings – discussion of requirements

VIIII. Next Board Meeting: December 2, 2019 at 7pm. E.S.R.A Skate Shop

Meeting Adjourned at 8:05pm

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