1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm
2. Attendees
Board members present: Adam McConnell, Bill Mooney, Danielle Veenstra, David Sasaki, Kryssi Pollock
Community Members present: Glen Veenstra, Tara Bailey, Pam Brechin, Joclyn Paulic
Regrets: Don Jasper, JoAnne Niemi, Dan Doucet, Tracey Gwynne
3. Review and Approve agenda: Agenda approved
4. Approval of previous meeting minutes (AGM) Meeting minutes accepted
5. Director Reports
Don Jasper –Not present, no report given
Vice President:
Dan Doucet- Not present, no report given
Treasurer/Accountant: No report given. Tammy Johnson will charge $250/month to keep track of financials. Will provide a report to Heather Stanik who will be attending meetings and act/present report as Treasurer
Hockey Director:
Adam McConnell - Hockey registration open July 4-31st. $100 late fee will be applied to any registrations after this date. There is a possibility this will be waived for 1st year (5/6 year old) Skills players. Skills registration is $220 and practise times will be Wednesdays at 5:45 and two slots on Saturdays 8:45 and 9:45
Field Sports
Soccer: TJ has stepped down as soccer director. He will provide a summary report prior to the next meeting. Pam Brechin and Tara Bailey will act as co-directors for the 2020 season. Their focus will be on equipment returns, tournament communication, as well as better communication and support for coaches. Will look into having local businesses sponsor benches and new soccer nets
Baseball: Tracey not present. No report given
Fundraising and Grants : Bill Mooney-will be getting a list of the signboards from Blake, and what was paid per board. Glen Veenstra offered to work with Bill on a new proposal for the signs.
Other fundraising ideas brought forward are naming rights to buildings, ice logos, dressing room sponsorship. As well as having a Bud, Spud at the Boot or Legion in mid-September, and running a Hockey equipment Swap and Shop the first weekend of September (Sept 7/8.) The fee will be $5 to bring items for sale. Notice will be given in the first newsletter going out at the schools, or as a poster at the schools.
With the current state of the board we are unable to apply for any grants now, however in the future we will request the assistance of Dave Cain and the RM Grant writer to make these applications. Any invoicing or collecting of funds will be done through treasurer (Heather Stanik)
Facility Manager: Blake Burnett- Home Plate is up and running in the clubhouse. He will move inside and run the concession during all icetimes. Other hours to be determined. Need to get info on the exact agreement arranged and his contact information. Blake will email to Kryssi.
Zamboni needs an annual checkup. No issues anticipated, just yearly maintenance.
Ice plant was shut down smoothly. Should be no issues with start up. Ice plant chiller will need to be replaced “soonish.” There is about one year left on the boiler. This will be about 10k to replace.
6. Review Email Motions None
7. Old business
a. Rosanna Sternat fee to provide treasurer service. Cost? Monthly statement of accounts required for each monthly meeting to be reviewed and approved by board.
b. RM of St. Clements open house was on June 14
c. In January we will begin soccer and baseball discussions. Open communication with Tri-s to better plan for the upcoming season.
d. RM of St. Clements is creating ESRA website and social media account. Robert at the RM is handling this. Send an email to invite to next meeting. Roberta @rmofstclements.com
8. New Business
a. July Cash Calendar draw:
Kryssi to notify winners and confirm mailing addresses. Blake will provide the names and winning amounts to Tammy and cheques will be written out and mailed ASAP.
9. Mail None
10. Next Meeting:
August 13, 2019 at 7:30pm
11. Adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 9:16pm