Meeting Minutes
Dec 2, 2019
I. Call to Order
a. Dan Doucet called to order the regular meeting for E.S.R.A at 7:07pm on Monday December 2, 2019 at the East Selkirk Arena. See Motion 19-07 for Agenda approval.
II. Roll Call
a. The following persons were present: Tara Bailey, Dan Doucet, Heather Stanik, Adam McConnell, Dave Sasaki, Greg Zahayko, Pam Brechin, JoAnn Painchaud-Niemi, Blake Burnett, Bill Mooney, Joclyn Paulic
b. Regrets: Don Jasper, Danielle Veenstra
III. Approval of Previous Minutes
a. See Motion 19-08.
IV. Old Business
a. Adam to present letter to LSMHA at their next meeting, he will ask to be put on their Agenda to do this.
b. Bill spoke to Quinton about a monthly pancake breakfast; Quinton is not interested in running this for us. He said we could do it and he would charge us $35/hr to use the space that we own. He said it would be roughly $1 a plate to provide pancakes and sausages, and we can upsell it from there to make money. Blake will speak to Quinton about him doing a fundraiser for us (pancake breakfast) in lieu of him paying any rental fees, which he does not currently pay.
c. The Bud spud and steak fundraiser in October brought in $1078. It was attended well. Quinton provided an excellent meal and did not charge us for any extra steaks purchased. (65 tickets sold, 56 attended)
d. Blake provided a draft concession contract for the board to look over and make any amendments needed. This will be discussed further at the January meeting. Blake will also discuss with Quinton the kitchen being used by the timbits skills coaches for a Xmas breakfast on Dec 21st, from 8:30am-9:30am.
e. Skate shop discussion will be deferred to the January meeting. Blake did say the shop is closing with the main sharpener removed. (we will be provided a smaller skate sharpener by Troy Slater) This will be housed in the closet of the main area. Troy will be training an additional person to use this and they will be charging a minimal amount for sharpening. Tara Bailey to draft a contract for this person including hours required.
f. The website is officially up and running. Dave secured a black Friday deal which allows us to have the business plan (including e-commerce) for only $11USD/month. This is a 1 yr contract. Dave will mock up some banner ads for people/businesses interested in sponsoring the website with paid advertisements. Dave will also look at adding a subscription email option for community members interested in updates. Dave will also test out the e-commerce as well. Blake to provide Dave the ESRA logo for the site and Dave will look at designing something new as well. Public photos of community members/kids will be allowed on the site.
g. Red River planning does not need to be contacted about wheel chair ramp, Bill stated that anyone can build this to code for the ESRA. ESRA will take out the permit and the builder will provide the plans for its construction. It will then be inspected afterwards. See Motion 19-09 re: construction of wheel chair ramp.
h. Blake would like to see the board apply for grants from the Selkirk and District Foundation for the upgrade of the boiler. Heather Stanik to look into this process.
i. According to the constitution executive board members must not miss more than 3 meetings in a row, at which time they may be required to step down from their position.
V. Director Reports
a. Treasurer: Heather Stanik
i. Tammy provided a profit and loss sheet from January to November 2019, she has not provided any monthly bank statements as of yet. Blake to remind her to do this before the next meeting on January 6th, 2020.
ii. Blake will also ask Tammy to provide the monthly credit card statements.
b. Hockey Director: Adam McConnell
i. Adam would like to hold a Skate with Santa on Dec 22, 2019 at the ESRA at 1:45pm. He will ask Teddy Wur to be Santa. He would like to see ESRA pay for candy canes to be handed out to all the kids that attend. Heather Stanik will ask the RM about candy canes as well. See motion 19-10
c. Field Sports Directors: Pam Brechin/Tara Bailey
i. Pam and Tara met with Chris Downey from Selkirk, he indicated that each soccer club in the Tri-S area that plays in the Rec tournament at the end of the season contributes financially, divided equally between clubs. ESRA has not paid for the 2019 season and Pam will request he submit an invoice to facilitate payment.
ii. We have determined that we set our own registration fees as well as fundraising required.
iii. Manitoba Soccer Association (MSA) has practice plans etc. on-line and we can provide links to these in the new website.
iv. Registration on-line will be encouraged but we will also 1 or 2 in person registration dates.
v. We will hold a draft pick of teams with all coaches to ensure fairness of team selection.
vi. Pam and Tara will also meet with Vikki Gouvia within the next few weeks to go over any new information on the upcoming 2020 season.
vii. Tara spoke with Natalie McConnell and she has agreed to help with the baseball portion of the 2020 season. She will contact Tracey Gwynne for more information regarding this. Tara will invite Natalie to the January 6th meeting for further discussion.
d. Fundraising/Grants: Bill Mooney
i. Danielle will meet with Dave Cain regarding grant opportunities. Blake to send information to Bill on grants he knows are available to us as well.
e. Facility Manager: Blake Burnett
i. Ice rentals are doing well, everyone has been invoiced for their payments owing. Currently there is $28,000 over-due; this is mostly LSMHA for their Nov/Dec ice times.
ii. ESRA currently has $70,000 in the bank with $25,000 still expected to come in for December. We received the $30,000 operating grant from the RM.
iii. The overhead door broke, Blake was able to get parts for $1000 and fix it himself.
iv. Evolution Dance, Can-tire, Keystone and One Insurance still owe for the sign boards that were installed.
VI. New Business
a. Cheque signing authority must be updated to reflect the new board. Dan and Heather to take the December meeting minutes as well as the motion to Sunova to get the signing authority changed over. See Motion 19-11.
b. Dave Sasaki was acclaimed as Director of Public Relations See motion 19-12
c. Joclyn Paulic and Greg Zahayko were added to the board as members at large. See Motion 19-13
VII. Action Items for January 2020 Meeting: (to be included in Agenda)
a. Discussion of Monthly Pancake Breakfast – Blake Burnett
b. Discussion of Draft concession contract – All members (edit old contract)
c. Skate Shop Update – Don Jasper (Tara to provide draft contract)
d. Fundraising/Grants Report – Danielle/Bill
e. Letter to LMHSA – Adam McConnell
f. Format of letters to be sent to RM as well as Selkirk and District community Foundation for financial aid regarding parking lot and boiler respectively.
g. Invitation to Natalie McConnell to January Mtg – Tara Bailey
h. Executive Members attendance – discussion
i. Monthly Financial reports – Blake/Heather
j. Discussion on Equipment available/needed for the 2020 soccer season.
VIIII. Next Board Meeting: January 6, 2019 at 7pm. E.S.R.A Skate Shop
Meeting Adjourned at 9:05pm